Eden Gumbesi Centre-(EGC) is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization started in 2009 and became legally registered in 2013 in Kenya.

The establishment of the Centre was in response to devastating risk behaviors, lack of health services, water and sanitation, health education information, HIV/AIDS, STI’s, and poverty experienced in the communities in Migori that leads to high rate deaths, orphaned children, stigmatization and multitude illiteracy. Due to these epidemics and vulnerability, we aim to give a home for the neediest orphans and vulnerable children, elderly and ways of empowering healthy communities at large by increasing equitable access to quality services through innovative, integrated, comprehensive and high impact services and programs that can be delivered at scale. Thus, we endeavor to begin these programs and projects.

We facilitate sustainable Programs, development, changes in negative community behaviors, attitudes, knowledge, networking, service provisioning through our Programs, the availability of better education and improved vocational skills, economic and socio-economic empowerment. Thus, ensuring the well-being and improved life of the communities regardless of their religion, tribe or gender.

EGC is providing support to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), girls, both women and men, vulnerable youth. These beneficiaries have been reached through various programs including HIV prevention, school supplies and uniforms, basic needs; (nutrition/feeding and clothes), psychosocial support, financial capability and entrepreneurship trainings. Program for support to access micro-finance, initiation of businesses, and linkage to the job market is underway.

The work of EGC has been made possible through resources mobilized from friends, Directors contributions and various donors.